So, last friday I shot the kids in the park, under pretty hot sun, got home, and as I was processing the photos, I noticed, my highlights are blowing way out, and I am having exposure issues... A year ago, something went out in my camera and I had to send it in for a rebuild, luckily, it was covered under warranty. Well, guess what, it's back, a year later... I am loosing detail in whites and the meter is not reading correctly. ARGH! Anyone wanna buy a 20D cheap? This time I am not under warranty, so I will see what Canon does, since it's a prior problem with this camera. The misfortune of buying the first release of anything, I got the lemon.
Having said that, to test my theory it was going out again, I shot these little toadies out in the full sun, in the 80 degree heat, yep, I see the failure, you may too, but the shots were really fun. I don't think the common eye would see the defects, but I do and it is making me crazy..... If I can hold off untilt he 26th of Sept, my back up camera will be back from Africa (my parents borrowed it) and I can send this one out, sigh....
Let me know what you think of my macros here, I had fun with these little guys... talk about hard models, there were two I was working with, try getting these guys to stay still to get perfect focus in such a shallow DOF! It was a blast.....

I took this shot for scale, I had to "pinch" this little guy between my forefinger and thumb to get this shot, he wasn't hurt, these guys are so small still, a little less than the size of my fingernail!

He turned as I snapped, and I was thrilled when I saw the image, thought it was a lost shot, but I loved the shadow coming thru the leaf!

Well, here you can see the exposure trouble a bit, no matter what I do, the blacks are underexposed, and this was RAW.... but I like how he sat in the leaf so I added it anyway.

another blown shot, or so I thought when I took it as he jumped out of the frame, I was tickled to see him all blurry, so I added this to show also.... It's so funny, sometimes, what you weren't trying for turns out great, this was fun for me.


warty little toadie....... :)