Thanksgivings past
I was going through some older photos from 2 thanksgivings ago for a specific photo I needed for a current project, anyway, I came across this shot. It's funny how sometimes I shoot and come home all excited, upload my images, and then... Blah. They do nothing for me at all. Time goes by and I stumble across them and think, hey, why did I over look these?
I have learned to go back and re-evaluate my work, to give it a month and look again, it's amazing what I see after I have become less emotionaly involved. I almost always see stuff I like that I looked over, and it happens too, that I look at the images again, and what I loved the first time, wasn't good at all really. Perspective I guess...
So many times we photograph things that hold emotion for us the photographer, then don't understand when everyone picks other shots as their favorites. I can honestly say, "now I get it!" When I take out the emotion, I am a better judge of my technical skills. This shot isn't technically correct, (I hated it at first and can pick it apart up one side and down the next, believe me, I am my own worst critique, there are not many of my own shots that I wouldn't fault terribly) but I now see a liitle bit of what others go "wow" about I suppose, sometimes I just have to let the technical edge slip a bit, and go with what brings out the emotions in other people. :)
Just my 2 cents today!
I have learned to go back and re-evaluate my work, to give it a month and look again, it's amazing what I see after I have become less emotionaly involved. I almost always see stuff I like that I looked over, and it happens too, that I look at the images again, and what I loved the first time, wasn't good at all really. Perspective I guess...
So many times we photograph things that hold emotion for us the photographer, then don't understand when everyone picks other shots as their favorites. I can honestly say, "now I get it!" When I take out the emotion, I am a better judge of my technical skills. This shot isn't technically correct, (I hated it at first and can pick it apart up one side and down the next, believe me, I am my own worst critique, there are not many of my own shots that I wouldn't fault terribly) but I now see a liitle bit of what others go "wow" about I suppose, sometimes I just have to let the technical edge slip a bit, and go with what brings out the emotions in other people. :)
Just my 2 cents today!