This horse's name is Pete... I just had fun playing today with a couple of images I have of him, nothing I would try to sell, I was challenging myself to think "outside the box". Well, I think I went outside with the double image one, not sure it's the effect I was hoping for, but if you don't try, you don't (eventually) succeed! I keep looking for something new, that no one is doing right now, well with the digital era upon us, I don't think that's entirely possible now! Here's a few ways to go.... DON'T FORGET THAT YOU CAN CLICK ON EACH IMAGE TO GET A LARGER VIEW :)

Here's the unedited version, note the horrid background, berry bushes were the only thing at this location that were even half way useable, tape and wire fences, barns, houses, roads, vehicles, you name it....

An extraction on black, pretty flat if you ask me, but a lot of ppl love this look. I think it's way to fake here.

So this is double duty, an extraction on top of the original, with a filter and an edge added, pretty busy, but it could be refined..... It would be fun to do for a stallion add with is get...

Going for an old fashion quarter horse type thing here..... sepia with bright extraction over it, I could see this working if I had several images to play with and adding some text.... I reversed the image of Pete, just for a change. I would shoot both sides of the horse if this was for a real client...